Fluid Sampling and Analysis

Fluid Sampling and Analysis

Lubrication analysis is a non-destructive test used to assess the condition of lubricants or power transmission (hydraulic) fluids and determine the type and amount of contamination present. Because of the criticality of these types of fluids to industrial operations, fluids analysis trending over time is one of the most powerful predictive tools for identifying potential failures. Fluids analysis looks for three basic categories of elements affecting the lubrication effectiveness: wear metals, contaminants, and additives.

Periodic monitoring may prolong fluid life and identify elements that may indicate component or lubricant degradation. Common fluid tests include: elemental spectroscopy, viscosity, acid number, FT-IR, base number, particle count, shape analysis and water analysis.

Identifiable and actionable problems using fluid sampling include:

  • Lubricant (oil, grease) or hydraulic fluid composition and condition degradation
  • Bearing and gear wear
  • Seal and leakage issues
  • Product contamination issues
  • Asset/component degradation trending
  • Lubricant and hydraulic fluid degradation trending

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