Solutions for Inaccessible Assets
Putting Safety First

Dedicated Sensors
Due to changes with MSHA and OSHA, many assets can no longer be measured via walk around programs. To maintain these assets in the ongoing program, ITR offers a basic data acquisition solution.
For assets that are inaccessible or not safe to measure during normal operating conditions, we have the solution. Your ITR Account Manager will work with you to implement cost-effective measuring solutions appropriate to the operating conditions of each particular asset.
Product Details
810 Series DCN
Permanent Install
- Up to 36 channels data acquisition
- Configurable for IEPE/ICP or current loop sensors with signal condition modules
- BNC, 2-pin, or 4-pin military grade connectors for waveform data acquisition
- Conditioned signal relays for pass-thru to control system PLC or HMI alarm
- Designed for high moisture and dust environments and mild abuse/drops
- 120VAC or 24VDC
- Standard enclosure: 14” x 12” x 8” NEMA 4x
820 Series PCN
Temporary Install
- 5-channel IEPE/ICP data acquisition (2 channels are IEPE/ICP on/off selectable)
- Digital tachometer input
- Two anti-aliasing functions designed for 0-12.5kHz (vibration) or 20kHz-100kHz (ultrasound)
- 120VAC or 24VDC
- BNC, 2-pin, or 4-pin military grade connectors for waveform data acquisition
- ITR Perceptum Expert System installed on Windows 7 Embedded platform
- Designed for seamless interface with ITR PdM Partner and related cloud-based services
- Standard enclosure: 10.5” x 8.5” x 6” NEMA 4x